
over before it started
Atlanta, GA

Release date: May 10, 2024

All streaming platforms

“An Attempted Cleanse” .flac describes his coming art.

over before it started releases this Friday on all platforms May 10. The single precedes the album sorry to report set to release on May 31. It has been over a year since the last 20k Brokeland release, Enkidu. The hip-hop artist, .flac draws inspiration from his personal experience and emotions spanning the last 10 years. 

With each track a sentiment to his trials, over before it started is a gateway into self-discovery through raw lyricism and in-house beats. 

“Before this project really got going I had started a relationship with my best friend. A very short lived relationship that ended in ways I couldn’t have predicted. I went to Ireland almost immediately after in the throes of the worst mental health crisis I’ve ever had,” .flac said. ” Flirting with they/thems in clubs at 2 AM in Dublin while contemplating the end of your life makes everything seem like a Van Gogh painting. I rap because it’s an art I respect to the highest degree. I rap because it reveals that my words know more about myself than I do.”

The hip-hop album draws inspiration from artists like Earl Sweatshirt and Action Bronson. From meter and cadence,.flac dives into what origins impacted his style and his way of thinking in music.

“Art doesn’t serve as meditation for me. At least in the way other people talk about it. I wanted some relief from the pain I felt during writing and recording. I’m not sure I got that. I learned about myself for sure, but there’s still so much work I need to get done. And promises to fulfill. I’d be sorry to report otherwise,” the artist said. 

To stay updated on .flac’s music journey and connect with him further, follow him on social media and visit 20k Brokeland’s official website for exclusive content and updates.

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